
18. The Main Stream Media and the alleged Holocaust

Posted on March 24, 2021

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18. The Main Stream Media And The Alleged Holocaust

The ‘truth-seeker’ Gathering & Presentation of News – or a blatant ‘truth-PERVERTING’ propaganda tool?

‘Cigpapers’ wrote:

“The Main Stream Media never question the official narrative of the holocaust, and go on an all-out attack on anyone who does. They have created the term “Holocaust Denier ”  for anyone who doesn’t believe, or dares to question, the official narrative.
“Holocaust Denier ” is one of the multicultural buzz-words like “Fascist/Nazi/racist/homophobe ” designed to denigrate the person described as such,  and lead to “pack-attacks ” by the media, politicians and the general lefty PC crowd. However bear in mind that around 96% of the Western World’s media is controlled by Jews and/or Zionists. You will notice that the Jews/Zionist are willing to keep running newspapers/TV channels and other media outlets at a financial loss simply to keep control of the MSM.

The Jews and Zionists control about 96% of the Western World’s media – a large part is now run at a financial loss.”


My little life, just like yours, has been a turbulent voyage of constant discovery. I see myself as a tiny-tiny, short-lived mud worm, sitting up curiously, cautiously sniffing the air, on my three-inch high mud pile. With eagerness, even a song in my tiny beating heart. In a small, insignificant side valley of the Cosmos. Located, metaphorically speaking, an area that is Himalayan in topography. In the distance I can barely glimpse magnificent, tall peaks, covered in snow and swirling fogs. Tradition has handed down to me that those distant, mysterious peaks are merely the lower foothills, of much, much higher, greater, mysteries beyond. Around me, other mud worms. Some humble, accepting they know little, but beavering away to know more. Others, proud, posing on their six inch mud piles, spending their time snottily looking down on us, their neighbors. At the top of the valley? Well, I’m not allowed there, it’s exclusive, but a handful of ‘elite’ worms up there, they say, well, their mud piles? Oh-my-gosh. Really high.
But I don’t care. My little mud pile is just fine. And that proud, exclusive, ever-manipulative lot?  Who would never deign to talk to the likes of me? Who cares. They are still just short-lived mud worms.
With an attitude.

I always needed to roam, restlessly. My mind, wandering, far, far away. My outlook in many ways was tending part-way to the Buddhist way of mild-mannered, meditative thought. I still enjoy ancient Buddhist poetry. “The Clouds should know me by now”. (Red Pine).
I didn’t like fighting. I was surprised to discover I was good at it. If I had to? Uh-oh.
So what has this to do with today’s absurdly mis-named ‘Main Stream Media’?

I have, over the years, become increasingly appalled at the cynical, vicious abuse of Media Monopoly I used to recognize occasionally.
Now, long since, I see it every day.
And I think, at the risk of sounding pretentious, I also see the horrible damage that flows directly from that premeditated, criminal abuse. That saddens me.

The Jews own the Media. Come on. It doesn’t take much research.
They acquire Media Empires, and never let go. They don’t care if they run at a loss. They still hang on. Where is all that money coming from? That’s another whole discussion, but I use the term “Talmudic Mafia” with ice cold intent. And some contempt, as well.

1) If you, dear reader, can’t see (and agree) that there IS a DARK AGENDA, that there IS manipulation of facts and figures? If you can’t see the selective covering of THIS topic/event (in glorious, wall-to-wall techni-color) but the scrupulous avoiding of ANY (at all) mention of THAT topic-event?
Then, honestly, you surprise me.

2) I submit for your consideration that most people who ‘actually read & think’ (um, that’s my attempt at diplomacy right there) will agree. Yes, there is a DARK AGENDA.
The Problem comes in, when we try and define that Agenda. Unravel the beast.

Back to the Holocaust now.

The BIG MAMA Question:

Does the laughably mis-named, Jew-owned, ‘Main-stream Media’ tell the truth?
About the Holocaust?

Or does it go WAY out on an organised limb, flogging a dead-dead-dead horse, with a fictitious story, bogus as a chocolate ash tray, that marches on, propped up from all sides by hysterical screams of outrage, much tear-jerker, whilst carefully avoiding a million inconvenient facts?
***  Not to mention endless research, and break-through new scientific methods?
***  New document troves?
***  From techniques exposing (Nuremburg Trial) photographic (crudely) manipulated images?
***  To cutting edge ground penetration radar?
(no soil even disturbed, never mind no mass graves?)
***  From chemical sample analysis of alleged ‘homicidal gas chamber’ walls?
***  to relatively newly released (2008) Red Cross reports?
***  Not to forget relatively newly released Soviet archives?
Including captured German documents?  Camp death records?

The HUGE problems for the ‘six million’ march on, and on.

Dear Reader, YOU will be the decider of that BIG MAMA QUESTION.
I will happily accompany you on your journey, if you allow me. And, when asked, I will share with you my simple Holocaust home work. These humble notes. You may well see areas I have missed. Mistakes I have made. I will be delighted if you point them out.

With me as a companion? You will have chosen a ragged simpleton, a simple mud worm.

My little life, just like yours, has been a turbulent voyage of constant discovery. I see myself as a tiny-tiny, short-lived mud worm, sitting up curiously, cautiously sniffing the air, on my three-inch high mud pile. With eagerness, even a song in my tiny beating heart. In a small, insignificant side valley of the Cosmos. Located, metaphorically speaking, an area that is Himalayan in topography. In the distance I can barely glimpse magnificent, tall peaks, covered in snow and swirling fogs. Tradition has handed down to me that those distant, mysterious peaks are merely the lower foothills, of much, much higher, greater, mysteries beyond. Around me, other mud worms. Some humble, accepting they know little, but beavering away to know more. Others, proud, posing on their six inch mud piles, spending their time snottily looking down on us, their neighbors.

I’m just not intelligent enough to spin a web of lies, bud. The memory required for such an endeavor? Way, way exceeds my mental RAM.
I hope you’ll think I tell the best-as-I-can-manage truth, as I sincerely see it. That does not mean it IS the truth.

Just my very best efforts. Long hours.

Many a sleepless night.

Dreams, my friend. And the stars above.

Return to Index? (Holocaust Normie Challenge List)?

Last edited by Francis Meyrick on March 28, 2021, 11:56 am

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